Discount Flat Fee MLS -Discount Realty Solution-Discount Real Estate Broker-Discount Realty-Flat Fee MLS listing Services
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Discount Flat Fee MLS Services

That's correct. If you do not sell your home with our service you may get a full refund!

If you decide, at any time, during the listing period with Realty Solution , or one of our affiliates, that you want to list with a traditional, full service Realtor in your area let us know by phone (866-663-3995) or email (, and tell us the amount of commission you will pay and the listing price for your home, and we'll:

1.Negotiate the price and commission that you are willing to pay with one of our Traditional, full service, Agent/Brokers in your area. If you list with this Realtor, your fee will be refunded in full at the close of escrow.

2. Ask you for the name of the local Realtor that you are considering listing your home with and we'll contact that Agent/Broker and negotiate the price and commission you have indicated you would be willing to pay and get their okay on our referral agreement.and your fee will be refunded in full at the close of escrow.

In either case, you will get a full refund at the close of escrow provided the Agent or Broker will agree to our referral program.

You are in charge no one will contact you until the Agent/Broker agrees to work with you at the price and commission rate you are willing to pay. We'll negotiate that with the Agent/Broker for you. Once they have agreed and you give us the "okay" we'll provide them with your information to set up a standard listing appointment.